Assistance with Mediation and Arbitration
Family Mediation
Family Mediation is a process that uses a neutral facilitator to organize discussion and settlement of a family law situation. The parties would meet with an accredited Family Mediator in a general information session that overviews the mediation process and mutual needs of both individuals. This discussion is confidential and will cover practical aspects like mediation rates, disclosure requirements, and scheduling information. This type of meeting will expose any contrary indications to family mediation through a confidential process.

Advantages of Mediation
- Mediation focuses on a solution that is best for the family.
- Mediation helps establish patterns of cooperative parenting that ensure the children’s needs will be met.
- Mediation allows both parties to exercise responsibility in arriving at a decision.
- Mediation maintains the right of each party to be an equal participant in the decision-making process.
- Mediation encourages cooperation and agreement.
- Mediation tends to result in a wise and enduring settlement.
- Successful mediation is usually less expensive than most other methods of dispute resolution.